Take the time to explore our Library Rules & Regulations.
Whether you're a frequent visitor or a new patron, understanding and following these guidelines ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for contributing to a well-organized and welcoming library community!


During regular school days:

Monday – Friday
    7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
    No Noon Break

    8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
    1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

During term breaks and Summer terms: (RA No. 9845 No noon break/ anti red-tape policy)

Monday – Friday
    8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
    1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Half an hour before closing time, a “warning bell” shall be rung three times to remind the patrons that they have only fifteen minutes left to return or to check out materials. Fifteen minutes before closing time, the bell will be rung five times for dismissal to give time for the staff to re-shelve books. No books will be checked out thereafter, nor will any returning of loaned books be done. The bell may also be sounded when the library has become too noisy.

During regular school days:

Monday – Friday
    8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    No Noon Break

Half an hour before closing time, a “warning bell” shall be rung three times to remind the patrons that they have only fifteen minutes left to return or to check out materials. Fifteen minutes before closing time, the bell will be rung five times for dismissal to give time for the staff to re-shelve books. No books will be checked out thereafter, nor will any returning of loaned books be done. The bell may also be sounded when the library has become too noisy.


Who may use the library?

VSU students who are officially enrolled;
VSU faculty and administrative staff;
VSU alumni; and

Control Procedures
    • All students must present their validated VSU I.D. cards as they enter the library.
    • Handbags, backpacks and other parcels are to be left at the students’ locker. Items of value such as laptops and other gadgets may be brought into the library.
    • Upon exit, every library patron must present the contents of his/her folder and/or envelope and show the date due slips of every checked-out library material. This is done to ensure books and other materials are not taken out by mistake or without following proper circulation procedures.
    • When leaving the library, patrons must show the contents of their folders and/or envelopes, and the due dates for any checked-out library materials. This is to make sure that books and other materials are not taken out by mistake or without following proper procedures.
    • All faculty and staff must present their VSU ID as they enter the library.
    • Upon exit, every library patron must present the contents of his/her folder and/or envelope and show the date due slips of every checked-out library material. This is done to ensure books and other materials are not taken out by mistake or without following proper circulation procedures.
    • When leaving the library, patrons must show the contents of their folders and/or envelopes, and the due dates for any checked-out library materials. This is to make sure that books and other materials are not taken out by mistake or without following proper procedures.
    • Researchers from other schools/colleges should present a recommendation or referral letters from their respective heads of offices or Librarians. Visitors from government and private agencies must present a government-issued I.D. cards as they enter the library.
    • Researchers from other schools/colleges must have a letter of recommendation or referral from their head of office or librarian. Visitors from government and private agencies must show a government-issued ID card when entering the library.
    • A minimal fee of twenty-five pesos (Php25.00) will be charged per researcher/day. No visitor/researcher will be allowed to take out books from the library; however, they can request to photocopy a book or abstract of a thesis or dissertation. Photocopying fees shall be charged.
    • Researchers from other schools/colleges must pay a fee of twenty-five pesos (Php25.00) per day. They are not allowed to take out books from the library, but they can request to photocopy a book or abstract of a thesis or dissertation. Photocopying fees shall be charged.
    • Upon exit, every library visitor/researcher may be subjected to an inspection of any items in their possession.
    • All Researchers from other schools/colleges must be willing to have their belongings inspected before leaving the library.


Circulating Books (Circulation and Filipiniana Units)
    • Books in the circulation and Filipiniana-C may be checked out for one (1) week to students of VSU;
    • These checked out books are renewable for another week if there is no standing request for such books;
    • No more than five (5) books may be checked-out at a time;
    • Checked out books may be returned on or before the due date; and
    • Certificate of Registration and Validated VSU ID is required upon checking out books on this unit.
  • FACULTY (Full-time and Part-time)
    • Faculty may check out ten (10) books for one(1) month at any given time and shall be allowed to borrow only after returning previously borrowed books.
    • For part-time faculty, a certificate of employment signed by the direct head is required upon creating/reactivating an account in the library management system. For full-time faculty, VSU ID is required upon creating/reactivating an account.
    • They may check out five (5) books for (2) two weeks at any given time; and
    • VSU ID is required upon creating/reactivating an account.
    • With proper permission these materials may be photocopied.
    • Journals and magazines are displayed on the counter. Patrons may read them upon request.
    • Online subscriptions can be accessed using credentials provided by the library staff
    • Downloded electronic journals can be accessed through the library management system.
    • Bound journals and magazines are shelved and arranged alphabetically by title. Users have direct access to these periodicals.
    • All the printed resources in this unit are for library use only.
General Reference Books
    • Books or non-book resources from this unit shall be freely used within the library premises.
    • They are not to be circulated for outside or home use.
Automated Checking Out and Checking In of Books
    • Presents the book/s together with the filled-out book card/s and validated ID or COR to the librarian/staff on duty at the Circulation Counter. No books shall be checked out to anyone without a validated VSU I.D. and/or Certificate of Registration (COR).
    • Receive the checked out books and present at the control area in-charge upon exit.
    • Upon returning, present the checked out books to the librarian/staff on duty at the Circulation Counter on or before the due date.
For Reserve books
    • Provide the author and the title of the book/s you wanted to borrow.
    • Presents the book/s together with the filled-out book card/s and validated ID or COR to the librarian/staff on duty at the Circulation Counter. No books shall be checked out to anyone without a validated VSU I.D. and/or Certificate of Registration (COR).
    • Receive the checked out books and present at the control area in-charge upon exit.
    • Upon returning, present the checked out books to the librarian/staff on duty at the Circulation Counter on or before the due date.
    • Note: In-house borrowing of reserve books are on hourly basis, for overnight use borrowing starts at 4:00pm (Monday-Friday) and 3:00pm (on Saturdays)


    • A fine of five pesos (P5.00) per book is charged per day for overdue books.
    • For reserve books, a fine of five pesos (5.00) per book is charged per library hour.
    • Sundays and holidays are included in the calculation of overdue fines.
    • No clearance shall be signed unless all fines and other library accountabilities are settled.
    • Any type of library materials lost shall be reported immediately to the librarian to avoid the accumulation of fines.
    • The lost books may be replaced in kind—the same author, title, edition--by the borrower.
    • If the first option is not possible, a latest edition of the same book shall be accepted as replacement.
    • Another option is to pay the current price of the book, which the library shall purchase at a local book dealer.
    • If the replacement is not available locally, the borrower is liable for costs associated with an overseas purchase.
    • In addition, a ten percent (10%) of the current book price shall be charged as processing fee as per Commission on Audit Circular No. 94-012 September 13, 1994.
Damaged Borrowed Books Beyond Repair
    • Replacement of damaged borrowed books beyond repair is treated the same as lost books.
    • If a borrowed book is damaged beyond repair, it must be replaced in the same way as a lost book.
    • Damaged Books and Periodicals. Students who notice any defect in a library material issued to them are requested to report the matter immediately to the librarian on duty.
    • Students caught mutilating or vandalizing books and other library materials shall be subjected to penalties as stipulated in the Rules & Regulations on VSU Student Conduct & Discipline, Part III, Section 3, Letter E of VSU Student Handbook.


Use of Computer-Based Literature Searches
    • All bonafide students, faculty, and staff of the university can use the Computer-Based Literature Searches (CBLS) workstations.
    • Present a valid ID at the help desk and sign the register.
    • A patron can use the Web OPAC, databases, electronic journals, and other online reference sources.
    • A patron can use the computer for one (1) hour. If no other user is waiting, you can get an additional thirty (30) minutes.
    • A patron can save your work temporarily on the hard disk, but you must transfer it to your email when you are finished. CBLS staff will routinely remove unnecessary files at the end of the week.
    • Flash drives are not allowed because they can spread viruses to the computer terminals.
    • Internet users shall be responsible for any and all damages resulting from improper or negligent usage of library Internet connections.
    • The following actions are not allowed and shall be subject to sanctions:
        • Unauthorized installation of any software.
        • Modification of hardware and software or data including display setting and desktop configuration.
        • Hacking security measures.
        • Playing computer games.
        • Any other action that may cause system disruptions. A user who violates the rules shall be subject to disciplinary or other appropriate action including the suspension of the CBLS privileges.
    • To protect user accounts, passwords and search privacy, the history of users' searches are automatically cleared when exiting the program.
    • For printing, scanning, and photocopying:
        • Request the assistance of help desk staff. Documents to be printed shall be sent through email.
        • Printing costs are:
          • Php 2.00 per page for textual printing black and white;
          • Php 5.00 textual with illustrations black and white;
          • Php 5.00 for colored text;
          • Php 10.00 for colored graphic from small to medium size; &
          • Php 15.00 for large size graphics.
        • Photocopying is available at two pesos (P 2.00) per page black & white.
    • Any technical problem encountered when using the computers shall be reported immediately to any library personnel.
Use of Discussion Rooms
    • All bonafide students, faculty, and staff of the university can use the discussion rooms.
    • Discussion rooms for students are on the ground floor of the library building and for the faculty and staff are on the second floor.
    • Patrons should ask for assistance before using the facility and log on.
    • The room can be utilized by a minimum of two individuals of the same gender and up to a maximum of four individuals.
    • Use of the rooms is on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • The room can be used for a minimum of one hour, and an extension of use may be possible depending on room availability.
    • The patron(s) will be responsible for any damages or losses resulting from the negligent use of the facility.
    • The following are prohibited inside the discussion rooms:
      • Eating
      • Littering
      • Gambling
      • Disarranging of tables and chairs
      • Leaving personal belongings unattended
      • Bringing-in additional chairs and other furniture
    • The ULC reserves the right to grant or deny permission for the use of discussion rooms in accordance with the library's established guidelines.
    • Any violation and negligence of the rules and regulations stated above will be enforced to leave the room.
Use of Audio-Visual Room (AVR)
    • The AVR is available for use by all bonafide students, faculty, and staff of the university.
    • The patron shall check the availability of the AV Room on its desired date and time schedule at the Circulation counter.
    • The patron shall fill out and submit the Audio- Visual Room Reservation Form. For students, an approved activity permit from the USSO is required.
    • The patrons shall be held liable for damages and/or losses caused by neglect use of the facility.
    • Any food and beverages brought within the AVR for activity-related purposes must be cleaned up by the patrons after use.
    • Patrons must enter and exit the library through the back door.
Use of Chill Area
    • The Chill Area is situated at the mezzanine of the ULC.
    • The following are prohibited at the area:
      • Any public display of affection
      • Littering
      • Gambling
      • Disarranging of bean bags
      • Loud noise
      • Bringing-in additional chairs and other furnitures
    • Any violation and negligence of the rules and regulations stated above will be enforced to leave the area.
      • Any public display of affection
      • Littering
      • Gambling
      • Disarranging of bean bags
      • Loud noise
      • Bringing-in additional chairs and other furnitures
Use of Locker
    • The library patron shall submit a validated VSU ID or printed validated COR with any government issued ID to the library staff on duty.
    • The library patron shall be given a locker key to deposit their belongings
    • The library patron MUST return the given key to the library staff in exchange for the key card that corresponds to the assigned key.
    • The library patron may now enter the library premises.
    • Upon exit, the library patron shall present the keycard to the library staff
    • The library staff shall give the assigned key to claim their belonging.
    • The library patron must return the key to the library staff in exchange for the submitted ID.
    • The following are the items that can be stored in the lockers:
      • Bags
      • Books
      • Notebooks
      • Research materials
      • Food and drink in sealed containers
      • Wet items or items with a noticeable aroma
    • Offenses:
      • Lost Locker Card
        If the library patron lost the locker card a P50.00 fine shall be collected upon claiming their belongings. Should the card be found, the collected fine shall be returned to the patron.
      • Lost Key
        Key duplication should be shouldered by the offender. Deposited things may be claimed in exchange of ID until the lost key is replaced.
Use of Laptops and Other Mobile Devices
    • Laptops should only be used in designated areas.
    • Users of laptops must maintain order and avoid distracting other users.
    • The ULC accepts no responsibility for the loss of laptops, data, or software therein.
    • Users should not use laptops to play games, watch movies, play loud music, etc. while in the library.
    • Charging of laptops and mobile devices in the designated areas only.
    • Cameras and other image copying capabilities of these devices should not be used to duplicate theses and dissertations.